Galing Foundation, Inc.

is a non profit 501 (c) 3 tax exempt charitable organization registered in the State of Georgia

GFI assists in providing quality educational resources to underserved public schools, libraries and day care centers.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Filipino Reporter: Books to Quezon

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Many thanks to the generous members of Northwest Phil-am Association, Manila Mart & Monlu Forwarders

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

WB prez: Poverty level high

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Filipino Reporter: March 14-20, 2008

"The Philipines has the wealth to do it (reducing poverty level), and capability to do it. I just hope you do it," he told reporters.

Wolfensohn said the government should increas its budget on education and health care, so that it will feel more significant improvements in the country's poverty condition.

Compared with other developing nations, the former World Bank chief added that the national government's spending on health and education is only 1/8 to 1/10.

Galing Foundation, Inc. Officers

Galing Foundation, Inc. Officers

Front Row, L-R: Toni Daya-Luetgers, Scott P. Luetgers & Lolita Daya
Back, L-R: Ces Alberto & Arjho C. Turner

President: Scott P. Luetgers
Vice President: Lolita Daya
Secretary: Arjho C. Turner
Treasurer: Ces B. Alberto
Exec. Director: Toni Daya-Luetgers